The River Itchen at Ovington


Research Team

Project Details

The Chalk Streams


Related Projects / Opportunities

Published Work


Contact us:

For further specific information, to request PDFs of published work, or to comment on our work, then please contact us.

Dr Mark Trimmer & Dr Jonathan Grey

School of Biological and Chemical Sciences,

Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road,
London E1 4NS

Dr Paula Reimer

School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology (GAP)
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast, BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland, UK

Dr Daren Gooddy (Project Partner)

Groundwater Processes Team Leader

British Geological Survey
Maclean Building
Crowmarsh Gifford
Oxfordshire OX10 8BB



The River Itchen in July showing luxuriant growth of Ranunculus and Callitriche – crop to fit down the side